Reproduction Lighting Fixture Classification
The abbreviation that denotes the classification of each
lighting fixture is found as part of the product number. For
example, 'AR' in A-102-AR indicates that this piece is an authentic
AR: Authentic Reproductions, designated by 'AR', are exact
copies of an authentic, original piece that may be found in a
museum or private collection. The original must be in hand so
that accurate measurements can be made and construction methods
PAR: Patterned After Reproductions, designated by 'PAR',
are developed from photographs of an original piece and at times
from an original piece that is in hand. While they will closely
resemble the original, there may be slight differences in dimensions,
construction methods, and in some cases certain elements may
be redesigned. Refer to Researching and Developing a Reproduction
in the topic list below.
UD: Unique Designs, designated by 'UD', are pieces of my
own creation that reflect the influence of similar period pieces
and early American design.