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September 11, 2001

 September 11, 2001

Thirteen-star Flag

Thirteen-star Flag

Fifty-star Flag

Fifty-star Flag

American Eagle

American Eagle

These flags were inspired by the terrible events of September 11, 2001. The original flags are crafted from linen matboard. The flag’s field and stripes are all individually cut and the stars, field, and stripes are painted with specially hand-mixed colors. The stars are applied to the field one at a time and then the field and stripes are assembled to form the finished flag.

Each of the framed flags has an appropriate descriptive written piece attached to the back of the frame. The piece about the September 11, 2001 print relates my experiences that day as they related to my son who lives in New York City, and the piece about the thirteen and fifty star flags gives a short history of the flag and its development. Each print is dated, signed, and numbered. The framed flags are available in two sizes with either metal or wood frames.


JP - Tinsmith
Joel Paradis
7249 West Main Street
Westmoreland, New York 13490
Telephone: (315) 853-1444
Facsimile: (315) 853-1221

© 2002 JP - Tinsmith
All text and photographs are the property of JP Tinsmith
and may not be reproduced without permission.